ank and Larry are performance artists on the seedy streets of San Francisco where art
fans flock to see what crazy performance they'll do next with chainsaws, roller skates,
or lard. Fame and fortune seem just around the corner—provided Larry can keep his best
friend Hank's paranoia and delirium from spiraling out of control.
But when poverty forces the performers to take computer jobs working for a ruthless billionaire CEO,
their boss's hundred-hour workweeks, relentless corporate propaganda, and soggy breakroom
burritos turn them into nervous wrecks.
Hungry for revenge with their dreams of glory fading, Hank and Larry plot their wildest
performance ever: to kidnap their billionaire boss—and turn him into the greatest performance artist the world has ever seen.
The first performance art novel by a performance artist,
Two Performance Artists is a madcap caper comedy about two best friends
determined to tackle the American Dream with bird feathers, duct tape, and a gummy AK-47.